Filipe: This friend of mine claimed he liked Hemingway best because “he could take any other author to the cleaners”
Filipe: he meant physically
Filipe: This guy is very pretentious, and he never, ever swears. He thinks its below him. But I did hear him say once that “Hemingway could kick Steinbeck’s ass in a fistfight”
Kevin: i wonder if that’s true
Filipe: Hmm. Not sure. I’d pay money to see it, though!
Filipe: ::fires up the wayback machine::
Kevin: or we could just resurrect the two
Kevin: i’d raise the dead to see that
Filipe: Haha, can you imagine their take on the “horrible future” where ancient artists are resurrected so we can watch them fight each other to the death?
Kevin: lol some great literature would be produced if you allowed them to record it all
Filipe: Well… whichever lived.
Kevin: oh that’s true
Kevin: unless…you re-resurrected the loser
Filipe: They’d probably be more interested in writing books about being resurrected…and on what its like to die
Filipe: Unless…we let them write on those subjects, see which book sells better, and then kill the loser
Filipe: We can keep resurrecting them and have them compete in different ways
Kevin: that sounds wholly sadistic and cruel
Kevin: in short, the best idea ever
Who do you think would have bigger balls? Oh, oops, I hate when I start typing out what I’m thinking.