A few minutes before my audit class began, I heard, above the chattering classroom banter, one of my female classmates proudly exclaim, “I hate poetry.” I glanced over once she said it, saw her sincere little grin, and I could tell she really meant it. It’s moments like this one that remind me why I…
Category: Mundanity
Don’t I Know You?
Today, during a conversation with my classmate, Juan, I discovered that he and I met a while back through a mutual friend named Mike Chang. Juan seemed so sure of his story, and he insisted so convincingly, that I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I’d never met this Mike Chang. It’s no…
It’s definitely diet time. Since August, I’ve gained about fifteen pounds, which hasn’t made me feel all that great. But just a few days ago, my mother noticed that I look “rounder in the face.” That comment was all it took to guilt me back into exercising again. When your own mother calls you a…
Why McDonald’s, Why?
Why did you downgrade the McChicken to the small, sesame-seedless hamburger/cheeseburger bun?
Know Thyself
Far too often at work, my coworkers say to me, “you look tired.” But let’s be honest…we all know that’s just code for, “you look like hell.” I’ve always been the kind of guy that wears his heart on his sleeve, but I’m kind of surprised at how easily people can read my mood and…
And Just for the Sake of Saying It…
Merry Christmas, friends.
Finals are finally over with, though I have a bad feeling that there will be repercussions from this last quarter into the following year. But until I know for sure, I’ll stop worrying as much and try and forget for a good while that I’m just a lowly student. Heh, I already feel like a…
Do hot chicks have some kind of mind reading ability or maybe eyes on the backs of their heads, or do I just lack the ability to check them out without being caught?
Holla Back
More often these days, when I listen to mainstream rap, I wish for the chance to confront some of those so-called rap superstars and ask them, “Don’t you ever get tired of running your mouth when you have absolutely nothing to say?”
Lack of Subtlety
I have a problem with that Cottonelle toilet paper commercial. It’s like 30 seconds of a bunch of people, young and old, shaking their asses at the camera. It’s just so wrong.