It seems like these days, whenever I attempt to kvetch and vent about the little things that annoy me at my workplace, some smarmy contrarian will always chime in by saying, “Well, just be thankful you have a job in today’s economy.” Thanks for that, asshole. I’m very much aware that the American economic landscape has been in dire straits as of late. I know I’m fortunate to have a job while so many others out there are struggling just to survive. I suppose when you approach the world with a little perspective, you quickly realize how much worse things could actually be, and your trifling little problems suddenly seem foolish, and trivial by comparison.
But where do we draw the line on this humbling perspective? If every grievance we experienced in life could be brushed off as a silly First World Problem resulting from an excess of comfort and privilege, then we would seemingly never have a legitimate reason to complain. What justification would we have to gripe about work when there are people on the job market who have been out of work for more than two years? For that matter, there are many people out there who are simply homeless and starving. How could we even dare to sweat the little things in life when we live in a world full of violence, war crimes, and mass graves full of forgotten, disposable people? The world is rife with terrible tragedy, so perhaps we should focus our energy on nothing else but the pressing issues of humanity that truly matter.
Moving forward, until the world’s problems are solved, we should make no more room for small talk, gripes, anecdotes, or trivial laughter. Before you open your mouth to speak in this Brave New World, you ought to think to yourself, “How will what I’m about to say improve the quality of the human condition?” If you are unable to answer that question with a five-fold bulleted list, then you would be well advised to hold your tongue and refrain from self expression. The only acceptable form of interpersonal discourse is a discussion of the world’s heavier things.
Eventually, civilized society would develop into a cold, dreary vacuum devoid of meaningful human interaction and lively conversation. It would be a place full of monosyllabic grunts, and a whole lot of half-spoken sentences that would get guiltily choked to silence once the speaker realized that what he or she had to say was basically inconsequential in the face of so much human significance in the surrounding world. There would be no more complaints, or stray fits of spontaneous passion. There would be no laughter, or love songs. There would be no room for comedy, or slice of life commentary. There would be nothing but somber, unwavering focus.
Come to think of it, an excess of perspective is a terrible thing. Do you see now how much trouble you can cause when you throw around that sanctimonious, reductive, silver-lining bullshit? I know I have it easy in comparison to some people in the world, but please don’t shit on the validity of the circumstances surrounding my own human experience. I admit, in many ways, I’m probably the luckiest guy I know. But I reserve my right to gripe every now and then about life’s little things in the interest of maintaining my sanity, and my sunny, awesomely friendly, usually jovial demeanor.
Now take your “First World Problems” remarks and go “First World Fuck Yourself”, Mr. Contrarian. I’ve lost valuable bitching time during the course of this rant, and I fully intend to make up for the difference.
Well said. Too much of anything isn’t good for us. It’s all about balance. We can and should express ourselves and talk about our daily lives, as long as we don’t go overboard about it.
You know, you complain an awful lot for someone with a totally awesome t-shirt. I bet you they don’t have totally awesome t-shirts in third world countries.
As of late, I have been surrounded by people that have the tendency to complain about things that – in the grand scheme of things – are not that important or serious, but they genuinely complain about them anyway. I have friends that jokingly complain about things (Narnia? Superman?), but I know they’re joking. So when I hear these other people complain, I have to take a moment to decipher if they’re serious or not. And when they are? I just want to punch them in the throat.
Life is full of little annoyances, and there’s always going to be something you want but you can’t have… or wish happened one way but happened another way… but hey, at you’re alive, right? At least you’re above ground and breathing. Instead of concentrating on the crappy stuff, try to find a little happy in your day to day life.
I was jobless for what felt like forever, and now I have a job. Admittedly it’s not the best or pays all that great, but hey… at least I’m working. And who says I’ll be here forever?
I’m renting a room from a place I’d rather not be at if I had any choice, but that’s the thing… I don’t really have a choice right now. But at least I have a roof over my head.
Things could always be worse, and you can’t help but feel a little “grass is greener” to other people lives, but nobody likes a whiney douchebag. Appreciate what you have, learn to weed out the dumb shit, and cut your griping… else I’ll come by and ninja kick you in the gooch!
[this random stream of consciousness brought to you by one tired FlipChic]