I caught a terrible cold over the Thanksgiving weekend. My shoulders and back muscles are suffering through a familiar soreness, the kind of pain you would normally feel the day after a hard workout at the gym. Sometimes I’ll feel cold, and sometimes I’ll need to open all of the windows in the apartment in order to cool down. It’s been a seldom thing this weekend to feel just right. My throat is sore, my mouth is often dry, and the constant coughing and congestion have made it hard to breathe.
It’s such a simple thing, taking health and vitality for granted. When everything is going well, it’s all too easy to forget that we are very much physical beings. I live the majority of my life under the false assumption that I exist inside my mind — somewhere on a heady, cerebral plane. It takes miserable weekends like this one to drag me down from that lofty perch, and to remind me that we are all captives in our fragile, untidy vessels.
I know in time, my health will return, as will my gray, cynically sunny demeanor. Before that day arrived, I just figured it was worth marking the occasion with a well-placed groan, a weak and wheezy whisper of a gripe.
Well anyway, there it is. I’ll see you healthy folks in December.

I really hope you didn’t breathe those nasty germs all over the Internet!
Um, I mean, get better soon dude 🙂
Sorry to hear you feel like hell. Being sick is super lame. Hope you’re getting better by the minute!
I really wish I could build some sort of nuclear war-proof moat around my vessel when it comes to colds and the flu. The worst is when it just starts and you know you’re at the point of no return.
You wake up with the slight tickle in the throat and a nose that is just starting to feel stuffy. It’s like that pause at the top of the first hill on the roller coaster. You know it’s coming and there is no backing out.
And then. It’s on. Hope you recover sooner than later, I rely on your sarcasm to make me feel normal.