With October nearly upon us, my thoughts inevitably turn to all things Halloween. I’ve resigned my fate to a month full of weekends visiting the holiday haunts. I’m also trying my best to reconcile those plans of mine to lose fifteen pounds, versus my expectations of eating fifteen pounds of chocolate over the next four weeks. There is still one element of the Halloween season that I continue to resist. For as long as I live, I don’t ever want to see another ghost movie.
Ghost movies are the most tedious form of cinema known in existence. I make this claim, mind you, even after having been forced to watch Bring it On, Shutter Island, Transformers, and Spider-Man 3 in theaters. What redeeming value is there to find in a movie genre that has only ever produced two unique plot lines?
Here are the two lessons I’ve learned from watching ghost movies: (1) All ghosts are pissed off because they died unjustly in a former life, which somehow entitles them to dick people around, and to visit similar forms of injustice onto their living victims; (2) If you encounter a ghost who isn’t pissed off enough to try and harm you, then you can look forward to weeks of spooky haunting activity during which time the spirit will provide you ambiguous, obtusely inarticulate messages indicating how they died.
Regardless of whether the plot line for a ghost movie falls under the first category or the second, you can always expect, without fail, to be treated to roughly ninety minutes of the same rehashed bullcrap. There’s a lot of quick camera pans, sudden orchestra jolts, and a good deal of screaming and sobbing. I hate all of it. It’s all just tired, classically adequate spook and scare devices. I blame it on the ghosts.
So here’s a message to all of you ghosts who just can’t leave well enough alone. First of all, to all you pissed off ghosts, who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies? Aren’t you pissed off in the first place because some evil person (or people) prematurely snuffed out your life in a violent way? What gives with the hypocrisy? I hope that every innocent victim whom you’ve killed would become a ghost, and would band together to kick your ass in the limbo world. Second, to all of you lesser, passive aggressive ghosts who want nothing more than a favor from your objects of harassment, you are all the worst communicators who ever lived and died.
“Oh geez, the ghost wrote me a message on the fogged mirror while I was taking a shower. But what does it mean?”
Here’s an idea, ghost: Why don’t you try writing a complete freaking sentence so that we can all wrap this thing up an hour early? Come to think of it, if you do finally decide that you’re one of those pissed off ghosts after all, then try going for a quick and easy kill to save everybody a whole lot of grief and time. I’m tired of all the drawn out sadism and simulated pain.
Hahaha, very good! I hate ghost movies too. The ghosts are always opening and closing doors, making them squeak unnecessarily. They have all these supernatural powers, you would think they could pick up a can of WD-40.
I’m a wordy chick. Most of my blog posts are close to 1,000 words so my ghost message on the mirror would ramble for a while and would have to be continued for a few weeks every time the person took a shower.
Also, I’m a huge fan of the side note and I would definitely have to bitch about a few of the injustices I was subject to while living on earth.
Now my dream scenario would be to write these things on a blogger’s mirror so I could still speak from the beyond. But I wouldn’t be scary, I just don’t have it in me.
I guess I’d be Cardiogirl, The Sarcastic Ghost. Not to be confused with that wuss Casper.
Side note: Just remembered that I had a Casper The Ghost nightgown and was photographed wearing said nightgown on my fourth birthday.
That thought led me to Wiki Caspar to find out what year he jumped on the scene. That’s when I learned he was a she. Did you know Caspar was a “slightly obese” girl named Meghan before she died?
I. Love. The. Internet.
Cardiogirl, you truly are the Queen of the Side Note. Please don’t ever change.
OK, here is MY beef with scary movies. You move in to a house. You have children. Blood starts to come out of the walls. WHY DO YOU FREAKING STAY IN THE HOUSE!!! WHY DON’T YOU RUN OUT SCREAMING, NEVER TO RETURN?!?!? Hellloooooo…. it’s BLOOD coming out of the WALLS!
Katherine, I definitely share this beef with you. Horror movie plot lines all seem to be driven by stupid people making the worst possible mistakes. This is entertainment how?
I’m tired of the surprise orchestral crap that’s required to actually scare people in movies now. Scare is not the right word; startle is more appropriate. I got startled a few times in the movie Scream but it was not scary. The Orphan was pretty good. There just isn’t enough ghost character development. I mean, you have ETERNITY. Develop that shit.
Kev, you forgot the other version of ghost movies, you know the crap comedies where the ghosts follow you around helping you with your little life problems.
Okay, true. I did neglect to mention that category. When I write about ghost movies in this post, I’m referring mainly to the horror movie variety. I guess this is what I get for not being more specific.