Thoughts of love are an inevitable thing this time of year for all of those who busy themselves with the February rituals of Valentine’s Day. I don’t mind telling you that I happen to be one of those people. There was a time not long ago when I was alone, and I longed for the day to find somebody to love — a girl whom I could call my own. I found that special somebody nearly seven years ago, and I’ve never let her go since then. What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m also something of a sap if you really want to know the truth.
Love is in the air, my friends. This February, my chest swells with gratitude and gladness for having found the love of my life — the one girl with whom I want to share every Valentine’s Day for the remainder of my living days. So I guess I’m no stranger to love these days. What a wonderful thing to be able to say. I consider myself lucky to have found a girlfriend as kind, as loving, and as supportive as Diana. Yet luck had very little do with keeping us together for the past seven years. If you’ll forgive me for my presumption, I’d like to share with you some insights into my relationship so that others out there might also reach the peak of romantic bliss, just as I have. True, there are happy couples all over the globe flourishing in a variety of different ways, but there is only one true way to be as happy as Diana and KZ. This one goes out to all of the lovestruck gentlemen of the world who find themselves in need of some romantic advice.
The Code of KZ: A Gentleman’s Guide to Love
Rule #1: Never be complacent.
Relationships require more than mere passion and raw emotions. A healthy relationship requires effort, commitment, selflessness, and reciprocity. All of these requirements amount to a very tall order, but it’s a profoundly rewarding thing when you and your partner manage to get things right. In short, never stop trying.
Rule #2: It’s okay to daydream when the conversations get dull.
Let’s face it: women like to talk a whole lot more than men do. Every strong relationship should be built upon a foundation of good communication, but sometimes the temptation to daydream is just too enticing to resist when your girl spends 30 minutes describing the tedious minutia of her uneventful day. Go on and drift off. It’s okay. You deserve a mental holiday every now and then. It’s not like you won’t hear her tell you those stories again a minimum of twenty times.
Sure, you may occasionally get in trouble when your woman realizes that you aren’t paying attention to her, but the risks are far outweighed by the benefits of daydreaming. For one thing, daydreaming keeps your mind sharp if you do it correctly. Chicks dig a man with a sharp mind, and a strong sense of imagination. Daydreaming also goes a long way to keep you sane when conversations press on the limits of your patience. But the best thing about daydreaming during a boring conversation is that you’ll always have something new to learn about the next time you decide to pay attention. Don’t feel guilty for allowing your mind to wander. Embrace the discovery.
Rule #3: Show her all of the best aspects of your personality, but also hide nothing.
Never stop dating your girl even long after you two have moved beyond the awkward dating phase. It’s all too easy to grow complacent in a long-term relationship, but try to put your best foot forward as much as you can so that she will always see the best that you have to offer. Having said that, it’s also important to understand that your less admirable qualities are bound to show through on occasion, so don’t treat them like a dirty secret. By all means, always try to show her your best, but also be honest about who you are.
Consider the case of Mouthy. I always do what I can to show Diana the very best of me, and she adores me for it because I kick so much ass. Despite that fact, Diana also understands that I’m a human being with my own weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and brittle frailties. I express the essence of those lesser qualities through Mouthy, a hexagonal hand puppet whom I create out of paper chopstick covers every time I take Diana out to eat at an Asian restaurant.
Mouthy wants so desperately to make friends with Diana. Unfortunately, Diana spurns Mouthy’s every attempt to strike up a conversation. Invariably, Diana always finds a way to wrestle Mouthy away from me, and she’ll shred him to pieces before my grieving eyes. Given that Mouthy is made of paper, and given that Diana has demonstrated an alarming propensity for destroying him, Mouthy is the living embodiment of weakness, vulnerability, and brittle frailty. Mouthy’s fragile weaknesses mirror my own. His suffering is my suffering. I do what I can to show Diana my very best, but I also accept the weaknesses of my own constitution. It’s interesting to note that Diana can so callously destroy a part of me without showing an ounce of remorse. That’s the stuff of psychopaths, man. This aspect of Diana appears to be one of her own character faults. Even so, Rule #3 is a two way street, and so I choose to love Diana anyway despite her moral frailty. That’s just the way true love works.Diana loves me for who I am. For better or worse, she accepts all of the things that make me KZ. Diana loves me in spite of Mouthy. Diana loves me because of Mouthy. All you need is a little emotional honesty to make things work.
Rule #4: Keep the fires burning by inserting a little mystery into the mix.
The specter of boredom is an unfortunate reality for even the most loving and compatible of couples. Over time, long-term relationships define themselves on dedication and stability rather than impulsiveness and excitement. But who’s to say that the fires of passion are destined to die?
The best way to prevent familiarity from breeding contempt is to spice up your days with a little mystery. This goes a long way to keeping your girl interested and emotionally engaged. Using myself as an example, I have recently formed the habit of arbitrarily abbreviating my sentences so that I only say the first letter of a number of strategic words. Diana finds this practice of mine mystifying, yet mysterious — confusing, yet completely irresistible. Here’s a portion of a conversation that I had with Diana sometime last week.Diana: Guess what, Kevin. I reached level 15 on my Smurfs game.
Kevin: Oh yeah, great. That totally justifies the way you monopolize my phone all the time.
Diana: Yes, it does. See, I can harvest all kinds of cool crops, like peas and strawberries. And sometimes Papa Smurf will send me on missions where I have to go out and look for lost smurfs. There’s also mini-games and Smurfette!
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, GFY.
Diana: GFY? What does that … hey, screw you! You “go fuck yourself”.
Kevin: Whoa, that’s not what GFY means. It stands for, “good for you”.
Diana: God damnit, I fucking hate it when you turn everything into an acronym. Why don’t you talk like a person and use actual words?
Kevin: First of all, GFY is not an acronym. An acronym is an abbreviation made up of initial letters which form a pronounceable word. Secondly…
Diana: I don’t give a shit. I’m just sick of having to decode all of your sentences.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. GFY.
Insert some mystery, keep her guessing, and keep things spicy. She’ll thank you for it in the long run.
Rule #5: Create no-win situations to remind her of what she has.
Sometimes the best way to remind your girl that you’re the best choice for her is to confront her with a lighthearted, no-win situation. By stripping away the possibilities for choice from a strategic number of situations, you are gently guiding your girl toward the understanding that you are in possession of the key to a number of life’s hidden truths, which is totally hot. Again, using myself as an example, consider this conversation that Diana and I recently had about our Netflix instant queue.
Diana: What do you want to watch tonight, Kevin? Battlestar Galactica or Desperate Housewives?
Kevin: You mean B-Star G or Desperate H-Dub?
Diana: Fine. Do you want to watch B-Star G or Desperate H-Dub?
Kevin: What the hell are you talking about? Why are you abbreviating your words like that? You mean Battlestar Galactica or Desperate Housewives?
Diana: You are such a dick, you know that?
Kevin: I know a lot of things, Diana. You know what else I know? I know that I love you.
Diana: Yeah, right. My fucking hero.
I don’t mean to brag or anything, but apparently, I am Diana’s hero. It’s only taken her a handful of no-win situations to realize this fact.
Rule #6: A well-placed “I love you” can go a very long way.
As exemplified in Rule #5, saying “I love you” at precisely the right time can disarm your girl, and remind her of how much you mean to her. “I love you” is a wonderfully magical statement. It has the power to enchant her in the midst of a romantic moment, or to melt her heart in the middle of a heated fight.
You should also consider the value of “I love you” for its ability to make you look like the sympathetic party while recalling the events of a lovers’ quarrel. Case in point, here is a continuation of the conversation that I quoted in Rule #5.Kevin: I know a lot of things, Diana. You know what else I know? I know that I love you.
Diana: Yeah, right. My fucking hero.
Kevin: I truly mean it. I love you, Diana.
Diana: Fuck you.
See what I mean? Who’s the bad guy from that particular exchange? Just three simple words transform your everyday, awesome KZ, into a tragically stoic martyr of love. The utterance of that simple phrase at precisely the right moment has made me out to look like a modern-day Casanova. I’m a KZ-nova, if you will. Don’t you desperately want to be like me, now?
Rule #7: Resist proposing marriage for a minimum of seven years.
This method seems to have worked for me. I imagine you will be able to employ the same strategy with similar success. Your girl may give you grief for not proposing to her sooner, but she will also respect your resistance, as this will be interpreted as a display of manliness and cavalier strength. Chicks dig manly men of a rebellious nature almost as much as they dig abusive douchebags who treat women like crap. Show her your strong, principled, masculine side without venturing into the realm of douchebaggery, and you’ll be golden.
Rule #8: Fantasy and role-play are great tools for spicing up the bedroom.
Sometimes keeping it real is overrated. Sometimes it’s more fun to indulge in a little fantasy before bed. Head over to Diana’s Awesome Blog at to read all about Rule #8. [Note: Diana’s blog is no longer a thing, sorry to say.]
Rule #9: Complimenting your girl while she’s getting dressed is a great excuse to cop a feel.
Try this one the next time you enter the room while your girl is getting dressed. “Hey, honey, have you lost weight?” As soon as she looks down to examine her body, reach out and cop a free feel. Whether your girl believes in the sincerity of your statement after the fact is irrelevant for two reasons: (1) Even if it was just for a brief moment, you raised her personal sense of body image and self esteem; and (2) You got to cop a free feel during the exchange. In either event, it’s a win-win situation. It’s fun to desire, and fun to be desired.
Rule #10: If you are as insufferably annoying to your girl as I am to Diana, then be sure to thank her this Valentine’s Day for putting up with your ridiculous shit.
Diana may swear like a sailor, but she has the patience of a saint. I’m lucky that Diana tolerates me in spite all of my self-indulgent, juvenile antics. Diana, I am the happiest that I’ve ever been in life because I have you by my side. Every moment and every day with you is a reason to celebrate.
I love you, Diana. Sincerely, I do.

You see, fellas? That’s how it’s done. Cap it all off with a brief display of tender sincerity, and she’ll eat it right up, and let you get away with murder. Ain’t love grand?
Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody.
At least you didn’t add Helen Hunt into the post this time. Though, I can think of nothing else to be thankful for after reading this post. I think my special Vday post will be about that god-awful chubacca card you gave me this morning that plays the chubacca sounds when I open it.
You know you love it! By the way, there are far more important things in life than Helen Hunt, Diana. You should really get over this unhealthy obsession of yours, and stop bringing up Helen Hunt in conversation. I’m starting to worry about you.
I continue to be happily entertained by your relationship. Happy Valentine’s Day to you both!
Haha thanks. I think the entertainment value of my relationship with Diana is half the reason why she and I are still together. I hope your Valentine’s Day with Conrado was a good one. By the way, which version of “Oh, What a Night” does he sing?
This version:
Just one of the many songs that Conrado sings simply to tick me off. Lately, there has been a lot of rap. >:|
I thought women wanted men to sing to them. We are just under appreciated romantics, Kevin.
Happy V-Day, kiddos* — excellent tips, KZ. My favorite rule was number two for the following reason:
But the best thing about daydreaming during a boring conversation is that you’ll always have something new to learn about the next time you decide to pay attention.
Sweep the Leg, I’m glad to see you back posting again!
*Had to say it after reading your last post.
Thanks, Cardiogirl! You’ve brought a smile to this old man’s face. 😉 Effective daydreaming is something of a lost art these days. I’m glad to know that there are others out there who can appreciate the nuances of distracted learning.
It’s good to be back posting. I have this bad habit of losing interest in my blog after a few consecutive nights of writer’s block. I need more discipline. I don’t know how you manage to deliver consistently good material on a near-daily basis. Anyhow, sorry for falling off of the face of the earth and not swinging by to comment more often. That’s another bad habit of mine that I’ll need to fix.
It’s not daydreaming, Casanova, it’s senility 🙂
Seriously, Diana is a very lucky woman.
GFY on snagging such a great girl. 🙂