For those of you who haven’t yet heard, Diana and I got engaged back in September. People have been asking me to tell them the story about how I popped the question, but there’s really not much to tell.
It was a simple proposal. I took Diana to the local pub, pulled out my bat’leth, and slammed the blunt end of my weapon on the bar. I proclaimed loudly, “This is my mate. Shall any man challenge my claim?” The room was silent, but then a lone man stepped forward from the crowd.

The man smiled, but I saw the treachery in his eyes. “Stranger,” he says, “allow me to congratulate you with a drink.” He approached the bar and reached behind him as if to grab his wallet. Then, suddenly, the pahtak pulled out a mek’leth concealed beneath his shirt. He lunged at me with the blade, but I was ready for him. I deftly dodged his attack, and then I disarmed him by bashing his face with the blunt end of my bat’leth. He tumbled to the ground like a limp sheet released from a flagpole.
He stared up at me fearfully from the floor, and I said to him, “Really, dude? A concealed mek’leth? You couldn’t challenge me in open combat, so you opted for a sneak attack like a Romulan? You have no honor.”
The pub erupted in cheers, and a chorus of people began shouting, “Qapla’“. So I looked over at Diana, and she looked at me with love in her eyes, and I said to her, “Marry me?”
She smiled back and said, “Of course, you magnificent son of a bitch.”
That is THE most romantic proposal of all time. Congratulations to you both!! 🙂
Nice try, Cylon.
Try and distract us with your honeyed words of Star Trek. Exactly what a toaster would do. To the brig with you!
Yup, true story. This is 100% accurate. It totally happened.