Conrado left the following comment for my entry on Saturday, January 17:
!!! You’re the man KZ !!! Remember thataru.
And in response, Francisco had this to say:
This is the end my friends. the last blog entry from kz any of us will read for a long time. Here’s why. you see, our friend josh bought a video game about a month and a half ago. he thought it would be a good idea if i bought it but, i thought it would be better to buy a bunch of booze so i never had enough money. and deep down inside i didn’t want to purchase the game either. conrado bought this game shortly after josh’s purchase and they started playing it together online.Here’s the point of the story, kz has recently bought the game and i have not seen nor communicated with him since. my three friends have fallen into a world of time-consuming geekiness known as “final fantasy xi.” conrado’s comment is just a brief glimpse of the geeky horror that my dear friends have fallen into. plz, help them if you can.
I just wanted to say that no, I haven’t become a recluse due to Final Fantasy XI…yet. The real reason that I’ve been so hard to find lately is because I’ve been reading The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide by Douglas Adams. I started reading the book in August. But seeing as how I’m a slow reader, coupled with the fact that I had also been dragging my feet on law school applications, it took me until last night to read through all 815 pages of that book. Pretty sad, I know. Maybe I should look into one of those speed reading courses.
Anyway, I dearly loved the book, and I highly recommend it to anybody who isn’t too put off by dry English humor. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll disappear again until I’m struck with another poignant revelation that I feel like recording. For now, I’m off to read shorter books and to level up like crazy in the world of Vana’diel. Fear the mighty TaruTaru!