30 Minus 2 Days of Writing (2014)
Day 4: “When hell freezes over”
I find the Christian concept of Hell as a place for eternal damnation a strange idea. If Hell is the domain of the fallen angel, Satan, who was banished from Heaven for defying God’s will, then what is Satan’s motivation in his capacity as “The Devil” to carry out the will of God by punishing sinners for eternity? It really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.
For that matter, how can we be sure that Hell is the ghoulishly terrible place that everybody makes it out to be? For all we know, maybe every newcomer to Hell is welcomed to the afterlife with high fives, throngs of AC/DC music, and an endless buffet line full of bacon, pizza, tacos, and beer. I’m picturing something rowdy and debaucherous like Pleasure Island from Disney’s version of Pinocchio, but with a little less slave labor, and less body horror from forced donkey transformations. The way I see it, the only down side to going to Hell would be having the stand in the same buffet line with Hitler. I hear that guy is a dick.

30 Minus 2 Days of Writing (2014)
A painful exercise in forced inspiration brought to you by
“We Work for Cheese“
Your version of Hell could be quite interesting!
I’d like to think so. Hopefully I’ll never have a chance to personally test my theory.
Don’t make me think, Kevin. It’s against my religion!
Sorry about that! Maybe if you plug your ears and hum a tune, the bad thoughts will go away.
Bacon? Did you say bacon!? Does Heaven have bacon!?!? I think that’s something someone really ought to know before they decide which side to join.
I see you’ve walked right into my bacon trap, Diana. So predictable.
I’ve been plenty irreverent in my lifetime, so I’m probably destined for hell. At least most of my friends will be there with me. (We can always shun Hitler at the buffet line.)
I like your interpretation of Hell. Bring on the bacon!