One minor annoyance I have with being a law student is that everybody always makes the same comment once they find out that I’m a lawyer in training: “Hey Kev, if I’m in trouble in a few years, you’ll represent me, right?” Har har. It gets funnier the twentieth time you hear it. Quite honestly, I find the comment a little presumptuous. What makes you think I’m going to be a criminal defense attorney to begin with? And if you’re confessing to me about some premeditated felony scheme that requires three years of planning, what makes you think that I would have any interest in becoming your accomplice?
I wonder if people make these kinds of assumptions about all students in the specialized service industry. Speaking on my own behalf, I can say that, whenever I’m introduced to a medical student, my initial reaction isn’t to jump at the opportunity to set up a prostate exam appointment eight years in advance, because I recognize the fact that my new acquaintance might be on a slightly different career track–like, you know, one that doesn’t involve fingers in unsavory crevices. It’s just good manners to learn the details before you start getting friendly with the small talk.
You could look at the bright side: Apparently, these people are crazy enough to have enough faith/trust in you. This blind faith/trust leads them to believe that you will be skilled enough to defend them should they get into any legal trouble in the future. =O) At least they’re not saying, “Kevin, you’ll make a horrible lawyer. I’ll never want you to defend me.”
Well, at least now you know if you DO become a criminal lawyer you will have lots of people that can give you a case. But honestly, I can’t picture you in a suit addressing a jury. I have yet to see this dominating, aggressive behavior I’ve heard about. But I must say I am dying to see this side of you. So if you do become a criminal lawyer I’m gonna watch one of your cases =)
Tell them “Sure, I’ll represent you. My retainer is 15,000 dollars.”