Prosaic Shades of Gray started as a simple writing project when I was a college student in 2002. I set up a free account on Blogger.com in order to force myself to write on a regular basis. For a time, the plan really worked. But then it didn’t. Inevitably, I started running out of words.
There finally came a day when I sat down to write something new, and I had nothing left to say. After you do this kind of thing for a few consecutive years, you come to understand the true meaning of futility.
The internet is a huge bathroom wall, and any halfwit with a device and a connection has an opportunity to scrawl on it. Writing something worthwhile can take hours of labored effort, but it only takes a reader a few seconds and a couple clicks to ignore the final draft.
After neglecting my blog for well over a year with that fatalistic attitude, I decided to make a fresh start on a new domain in 2008. Then I blogged fairly consistently for a good couple of years before I lost my motivation to write again, and I kind of abandoned the entire project in 2016.
At some point I forgot to pay for my domain registration, and I lost this URL to a filthy domain squatter for about three years. The URL was up for sale for about $2,000, which is kind of funny to me. Who else besides from a guy like me would want such a pretentious, unmemorable web address like Prosaic Shades of Gray? For one thing, I spell “Gray” the American way with the letter “a”. Half the people who visit this site search for it by typing out “Grey” the British way.
So anyway here I am again, tossing my single meek voice into the shrieking wind. I honestly don’t know what I’m hoping to accomplish this time around. I’ll just have to keep on writing until I figure that part out.
For a good time, look for KZ at Prosaic Shades of Gray.