During the spring of 2008, my local library held a massive book sale. Hundreds of books were spread out in the courtyard by the rear entrance, on sale for as many as you could fit into a grocery-sized paper bag for five dollars.
Among this bounty of undervalued books, I found and purchased an old, worn copy of Garfield Takes Up Space.

Just recently, I finally got around to reading the book. I love Garfield, and so of course I enjoyed the book from cover to cover. When I reached the last page, though, I came across something that made me pause. On the upper left corner of the inside cover was a handwritten message: “Sassy was there & here!” The ampersand was modified to look like a heart with hooks and bubbles hovering above and below it.

As I’ve mentioned before, I find something fascinating about graffiti in public places. Just as equally, I get this visceral kick from discovering handwritten notes in previously handled books. There’s an entire world out there of subtext, secret monologues, raw opinions, frantic notes, and words literally written between the lines. What a wonderful thing it is to open a book and to immediately understand how the words within affected the reader who came before you. It’s like you’re taking a glimpse into someone else’s subconscious mind, and your shared experience with this stranger suddenly becomes all the more meaningful.
As I stared down at Sassy’s note to the world, I realized how sad it was that the potency of her message had to die so that I could purchase this discounted Garfield book. How many others would have seen Sassy’s note had I decided not to throw this tattered old book into my paper bag?
So today of all days, before the close of the year, I’m getting the word out. Sassy was there & here!
What the hell does that even mean???
Clearly, it means that Sassy was there and here. I don’t even know why this is an issue.
What else would it mean? It means Sassy is Hiro Nakamura.
Dude… I think “there” could actually be some code. You need to find a book that says: “Sassy was here and there!” and we’ll have the complete key. It could be a treasure map or something. Just ask yourself: WWNCD???
dude, kevin, next time they have that sale, please let me know. That is seriously awesome.
nice find!
Sure thing, Margaret. I feel kind of bad now that I didn’t think to call you. I’ll just drown the guilt by enjoying all of these obscenely cheap, newly acquired books.