“How’s work?”
“What do you do for a living?”
Those are the two most common questions I hear in social settings whenever people want to engage me in conversation. I guess that’s the only thing left for adults to talk about once the idealism of youth fades away, and all traces of hopes and dreams have long since died and been replaced by the love of money, tedium, and monotonous bullshit.
Damn, that was negative. Let me balance it out a bit. ~~*Smile kitten happy fun-time ice cream sunshine!*~~ I’m refreshed now. How about you?
For nearly everybody in the Developed World who has a job, aside from a handful of lucky bastards, work is just a thing you do that you’d rather not be doing, but you do it anyway because you like clothing yourself, eating, and living indoors. Work consumes the majority of your living days in adulthood; and if you ask me, it is almost always the least interesting thing about you. If I had my way, nobody would ever talk about work on their down time ever again. I guess if I’m going to change the world, the change might as well start with me. I’ll stop talking about work now.
So … sports?
Jesus, I’m old and lame. Fuck work, I need a vacation.
First off, you’re not old or lame. In fact, I think I’m older than you, and in my current state of being, that makes me the sad fuck… but this isn’t a contest for anything down and dour like that.
Next up, please don’t fuck work… not unless it’s got a nice pair of tits and an ass you can’t help but spank.
Lastly, vacations are always awesome. I never in my days of employment ever really took one. My “vacations” were mostly spent visiting family or just staying home. Never had enough money to truly go anywhere. (And I still need to get a passport.) Okay, wait, I stand corrected… I kind of had a Disneyland vacation with a friend, but that would be it.
So I say take a vacation. Hell, take two… they’re small these days.
I have a friend who isn’t allowed to talk about his work – no, he’s not a spy – so when people ask him what he does, he tells them he is an Amway District Representative. They don’t ask him any more questions after that.