- Oversleeping on a weekday and then subsequently hauling ass in order to attend a class that bores the hell out of you.
- 50 Cent. Seriously, he’s the most overrated thing since sliced bread. “I love you like a fat kid love cake.” Wow man, profound. I guess I can throw out all of my 2Pac albums now and clear a space on my shelves for 50 Cent.
- Pretentious music composers who write confusing sheet music. There’s no such thing as a B-sharp or an F-flat, so just get over yourselves.
- Entourage members who feel the need to rap over the headliners’ lines during a live hip-hop performance. Hey guys, there’s a reason why you don’t have your own albums, so keep it down already.
- The sequel mentality. Did you know people are referring to the most recent war in Iraq as “Gulf War II”?
- The Bible Belt. Specifically, I have a problem with the blatant conjunction of Church and State. Alabama recently declared that dildos are still illegal in that state. For one thing, I didn’t even know that dildos were ever illegal in Alabama to begin with. And second, both the federal and state governments need to lay off on mandating morality through trivial decrees.
I feel better now. Urge to kill fading…fading…rising! Fading…

Still illegal, eh? Well, Alabama certainly wins the coveted Most Backward Region award. 😉
another thing that sucks: Fabulous. That curl in his lip makes me want to slap it off his face…
You have 2Pac albums?