Friday the 10th was Joie’s birthday. She asked all of her friends not to buy any gifts for her this year. She did, however, encourage us to put forth some creative effort and to make something for her if we truly felt compelled to give her a present. On Friday night, two hours before I met up with Joie and the gang for dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory (OSF), I sat down with my writing collaborators, Dawn and Diana, and composed a birthday poem.

Go on and read it. There’s a good chance you’ll enjoy it even if your name isn’t Joie.
J to the P, the B-Day Supreme
(By KZ, Dawn to the Spence, & D-Pad)Joie! Joie! She’s a joy to behold
Joie is super awesome
Even though she’s getting oldBut not as old as Helen Hunt
I mean have you seen her lately?
She’s not aging so gracefully
Joie is aging better than Double-H
Joie gets old tastefullyEven Joie’s name is super awesome
even with its excess of vowels
Just don’t get too old on us, Super J
And lose control of your bowels
…in the middle of dinner at OSF
Happy birthday, Joie. Go ahead and frame that poem so you can hang it on a wall or something. I wouldn’t blame you for getting caught up in the awesomeness of it all.
Happy B-day Joie!
For some reason I read the title of that poem to the tune of “Joy to the World, the Lord has come.” Try it. The syllables work almost perfectly.
And then it fell apart when I tried to sing the poem as the rest of the lyrics. But it doesn’t suck.
I do like the part about Helen Hunt. She could use some expertly placed Botox. But not the kind of Botox that jacked up Kate Gosslein’s eyebrows and forehead. That would be bad.
That “Joy to the World” bit adds a whole new dimension to the title. I can’t read it any other way now.
As for Helen Hunt, I’m glad you liked that bit. I guess she’s become something of a running gag around here. To be honest, I think Helen Hunt is doing just fine, Botox or not. She’ll always be my number one chick. Don’t tell Diana…
Wow, you actually posted this on your blog. Well, now that you wrote a poem to another girl other than me, it makes your poem to me obsolete and meaningless. I demand another post… and try to be romantic this time. AND DO NOT MENTION HELEN HUNT… jerk.
Helen Hunt = Hope for Humanity!!!
It’s so awesome that everybody is on board with my Helen Hunt obsession. Sorry, Diana. How can you say no to the Hope for Humanity?
To coin a phrase, Diana, the can of worms has been opened. Good luck to you, my dear. You’re in for a bumpy ride sometime soon.