Who do you suppose it was in history who first looked at a horse and thought to himself: “Hey, that animal’s strength, size, and general demeanor would make that creature the perfect beast of burden.”?
“Just look at it!” this opportunist must have said to himself. “That animal’s back is perfectly contoured to form a mobile, steerable seat for my ass, and the animal itself is just tall enough so that my feet don’t touch the ground.”
Poor horses. They got the evolutionary shaft.

Survival of the fittest, baby. THE HORSES WERE WEAK!!! ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE! Maybe they should continue to evolve with their backs curved perfectly to fit us, and their hair should turn to rope. I don’t think they’ve evolved enough … give it more time.
Women remind me of horses.
Conrado reminds me of an ass.
I will tread lightly here and … yeah, ignoring it is a good idea. Good luck, Conrado!
Well, to compensate, perhaps, horses are indeed granted healthy-sized “shafts,” if you wish to discuss the topic of “getting the shaft.”
Horse’s Revenge:
Hey Boris, thanks for dropping by the blog. I approved your comment for public viewing, but I’m too afraid to click that link. Why doesn’t somebody else watch it and tell me what to expect?