I guess you could call it a case of the blahs. Or maybe you could call it a crisis of confidence, although I’ve never seemed to suffer from an overabundance of confidence to begin with. Maybe I’ve just lost my mojo like Austin Powers did in that Mike Meyers movie — the name of which escapes me at the moment. I think it might have been The Love Guru. Anyway, I’m locked into a funk, and I can’t seem to shake out of it.
The days go by without much variation. The mosaic of the world feels like a copied image stretched far beyond its feasible dimensions. It’s like I’m staring into infinity, and all I see is an indistinct, fuzzy haze, slightly obscured by a lump of orange fur. You know what I’m saying? My cat, Momo, knows what I’m talking about. Apparently, so does Sam Ock.
Play it once, Sam, for old time’s sake. Ah hell, play it again, Sam.
I know what you mean. I’ve been blaming it on winter. I’m just so fucking fed up of cold and snow and cold and snow. It sucks. I started to watch that video, but it made me want to curl up in the fetal position. So I stopped.
Oooh, I like that song and I also feel the funk. Whoa, I didn’t see the rap lite coming. Fun!
Back to the funk. Bring it in along with the noise.
Dude- Update you lazy ass. I keep checking to see if there is anything new and you disappoint me. I’ll stop looking for a few days, but damn it man! What is goin on in that messed up head of yours? Inquiring minds want to know!