30 Minus 2 Days of Writing (2013)
Day 26: “Deal With It”
I was planning to write something good tonight. It was going to be sincere, highly readable, and full of poignant humanity. Best of all, I was going to finish it well before the closing of the February 26th deadline. Yet here I am at 1:00 AM Pacific Standard Time on the morning of the 27th, and I’m nowhere close to being finished. I have ninety minutes left to wrap this up.
To make matters worse, my cat, Momo, has jumped up on my desk during this blog session to stake out a napping spot between my chest and my keyboard, and he is currently using my left forearm as a pillow. As a cat owner, I find this adorable and nauseatingly endearing. As a blogger and a proficient typist, I find this annoying and highly disruptive. I’m losing circulation in my arm, and if I type too quickly, Momo’s head bobs up and down, and he starts to complain. Freaking cats. Why do I put up with this, anyway? I’m way bigger than Momo. I should be tossing his furry orange ass aside whenever he gets in my way.

Then again, he does look peaceful there resting on my arm. The hum of his purrs are reverberating through my chest, and it’s actually quite soothing. Momo is a self-centered bastard, but I have to admit that he can be a surprisingly comforting companion even when he’s being a jerk. I guess I’ll just have to deal with it for now.
Crap, it’s 1:30 AM. I’m not going to write anything meaningful tonight. I’ll just have to churn out another cat entry and sheepishly lay it on the altar of Nicky and Mike as the feeblest of offerings.
You can’t be moved by earth-shattering inspiration every day of the week, I guess. As a writer, you just have to learn how to cope on your off days. It’s something that every writer has to deal with. Tonight just happens to be a night when all I can do is spend some quality time with my cat, and try my best to cope. Momo looks like he has the right idea. I think it’s time for bed.
30 Minus 2 Days of Writing (2013)
A painful exercise in forced inspiration brought to you by
“We Work for Cheese“
Oh, I can so relate to this, KZ. I have way more off days than I have good days. And I have two huge cats demanding my attention whenever I do have a good day and actually feel like writing. That said, my cats aren’t big on cuddles, so at least they won’t sit in my lap while I’m trying to type. They just demand food and someone to come play with them.
That cat post was the most sincere, highly readable, and full of poignant humanity cat post I’ve ever read, KZ. I mean that.
Our cat runs the other way when it sees me coming. I’ve learned to deal with it.
As I type now, I have a cat in my lap and reaching across to the little table my laptop is sitting on. When I sit at my desk, he’s in my lap with his head on the desk and he stretches his feet across the keyboard. Yes, I can relate. And, Momo is a beautiful cat.
Hey KZ! Three things. First, Ziva is not kidding, her cats are awesome and the size of trucks. Second, Momo is NOT a self-centered bastard, he is a CAT. And third, I agree with Nicky (and not just because she’s a hottie in heels); this is a great cat post. Kudos, Sir. And almost there! Indigo
Hey KZ! Three things. First, Ziva is not kidding, her cats are awesome and the size of trucks. Second, Momo is NOT a self-centered bastard, he is a CAT. And third, I agree with Nicky (and not just because she’s a hottie in heels); this is a great cat post. Kudos, Sir. And almost there! Indigo