All over campus I see people walking around with handwritten signs attached to their backpacks that read, “NO WAR.” Now I’m not a big fan of Bush’s calls for war myself, but I find it hard to take these silly little signs seriously. To be fair, I do respect the people that bear these signs, because I realize that you open yourself up to a world of judgment and grief when you wear your politics on your sleeve (or your back, as the case may be). But honestly, what do these people really think they’re accomplishing? Maybe they’re hoping that one day, President Bush will take a look at satellite photos of the college campus, see the “NO WAR” signs plastered across their backs, and then he’ll say to himself, “Holy shit, they’re right.” Then he’ll call up Saddam to patch things up because, as we all know, dictators respond to love. Am I being too fatalistic? Because I seriously doubt there’s a damn thing the public can do to stop this war.

listen mother fucker, r u unamerican? war! yeah!
All right motherfucker, here’s the deal: I’m getting sick and tired of our bombs and missles collecting dust in our silos. It’s about time we blow shit up! It’s like a big game of Monopoly, or is it Risk? Whatever, the point is that no one wanted to go to war with them German folk and Japenese until after Pearl Harbor. Shit, look how that all turned, after everyone got back home we had a baby boom and we still make movies about that shit. Hell, it’s good for our economy! War is always good, remember that son. Those people with them stickers are actually supporting the war. “NO WAR” backwards spells “RAW ON”. Get it? That means they want us to go to war baby, Boom!