Alas, the storm is clearing. My Final Fantasy XI addiction has slowly devolved from an obsession into a mere interest. I no longer skip meals or social outings to play the game, nor do I grow overly irritated if I don’t get my daily four hours or so of playtime. Yeah, when you’ve got nothing better to do than playing video games all day, you really do tend to waste your life away. Silly me. I’m slowly slinking back into the real world and starting to worry about real issues again–real issues, for instance, such as this God-awful haircut that I was forced to endure on Friday. Since when did “Keep my hair long” mean “Please oh please inattentive bitch of a hairstylist, please hack off two inches from my long bangs, then sloppily thin out the sides of my head, and then leave the back of my hair in a mini mullet”? So freaking lame. I’m so frustrated, I could punch a whole kennel of kittens. (Only a figure of speech, my feline loving friends)

There are actual and significant events in my life that occurred in the past month that would be worth mentioning, but I neither have the energy nor the desire to lay it all out here. Then there’s all that horrible nonsense still going on in the Middle East. I mean Jesus, they’re still slaughtering each other? It’s all so appalling and terrible, that the only way to ever live a normal life while still remaining conscious of world events is to just grow numb to this huge bloody mess we’re all in.
But I ramble and digress without ever having had a major point to convey in this post to begin with. Basically, I’m here to say sorry for neglecting my little corner of the web. I’m still a writer, a flawed and neurotic worrier, a fanciful dreamer, a maudlin sap, and (if I may say so) an occasionally clever fellow. And who am I kidding? Check the posting time…I’m a reckless insomniac. Lord help me. I’ve come back to this silly blogging routine only to discover that not a whole lot has ever changed.
Same with me and RO. The few times I log on I usually just sit and idle in town and do something else. lol.. why do I log on in the first place then? Habit I suppose. But I must say Im not totally over RO. I still try to make it on for the Guild Wars to help my team out. But thats just to help my friends out on the game. Not cause I actually wanna be there. Anyways, its time you get out of your depression! Go out and have fun! Lets go watch the Harry Potter movie or something. Best way to cheer up is the get you out of the house and stop thinking about whatever is depressing you! And what better fun is there than the widely-long-awaited-omg-its-finally-out-movie 3 of Harry Potter!! =)