Kevin: You never understand my Simpsons references.
Diana:That’s because all of your references are stupid and obscure.
Kevin: They’re not obscure, they’re subtle. You know, like the “b” in “subtle”? You don’t really notice it in there, and you never, ever see it coming. It’s just a silent letter. It’s kind of funny when you stop to think about the word, actually. The letter “b” subtly epitomizes the very essence of the word, “subtle”. That’s a highly unusual thing, isn’t it? I mean, isn’t it fascinating how the letter “b” in a word like “subtle” can so perfectly illustrate the definition of the word that contains it?

Diana:. . . (sigh)
Kevin: You like that, Diana?
Diana: Nope.
Kevin: That’s always your answer. Do you ever like anything?
Diana: Not anything that ever comes out of your mouth.
Kevin: Well, that’s not very subtle. That’s like the “s” in “subtle”. Or the “t” in “subtle”. Or to a lesser extent, the “l” in “subtle”. Because you see, you hear the “l”, but it’s not as pronounced as . . .
Diana: Kevin, go away.
I still don’t get your fixation on emo girls, Kev. 😛