30 Minus 2 Days of Writing (2014)
Day 12: “One bite”
Kevin’s Inner Monologue: I’ve really let myself go these past few months. I was doing so well last summer with P90X until the wedding happened, and then the honeymoon, and then the holidays, and now this stupid month-long writing challenge in February. Now I’m just soft and lazy again. This is where I draw the line, though. Once February is over and I have more free time, I’m going to get more serious about exercise and fitness.
Kevin’s Coworker: Hey Kevin, want some cake?
Kevin’s Inner Monologue: Well, shit.

30 Minus 2 Days of Writing (2014)
A painful exercise in forced inspiration brought to you by
“We Work for Cheese“
I laughed out loud at that nasty piece of store bought cake! Kevin! Stop! Now! You are such a good looking young devil, don’t plump up on pieces of yucky cake!