In my previous post, I introduced you to Mono and Mad Die, my cats’ evil dopplegangers in the Mirror Universe. Much to the chagrin of my typo-inclined girlfriend, Diana, the saga continues.

The Transcript
Diana: Mad die might be sick. She threw up 3 times last night and another 3 times today
Kevin: How is she acting? How’s her parrot?
Diana: Seriously fuck this phonr
Diana: Oh it doesn’t auto correct phonr, just Maddie.
Just in case you were wondering, it turns out that Mad Die was having a bad reaction to a new brand of wet cat food that her evil owners were trying out. She seems to be doing better now. Thank goodness for that. Or, you know. Thank evil for that.
Best wishes to you and your parrot, Mad Die. I’ll catch you on the flip side when you’re well, evil kitty.
So, you make fun of Diana for her phone’s auto-correct typos. Does she get to make fun of you for your I-have-no-excuse-I-just-can’t-type typos?
“…turns out that Mad Die was having a bad reaction to a new brand of wet cat food that here evil owners were trying out.”
Dude. Beware the shards in your glass house. 🙂
Whoops, nice catch. Fixed!
I can handle the glass shards so long as Diana never learns how to use Photoshop to mock my typos.
Okay seriously… I gotta know: What’s the parrot’s name? 🙂